Roman Rytov

What does a day in Roman’s life look like?

I start my day at 6:30 AM and skim through emails first, as there might be urgent emails to address – working with labs located eight time zones away has its challenges. I also look into customer inquiries from Asia and try to address what’s possible before the sun sets there. Typically an hour is enough to clear out my inbox in the morning, which kicks the day off. The rest of the day is pretty standard compared to other office workers: customer conversations, partner interactions, helping employees here and there. Emails, phone calls, emails, meetings, and more emails.

What do you love most about your profession?

Ereztech is celebrating our 10th anniversary this year, and is switching from the software industry to the chemistry industry. I’m still running into new topics and challenges that I have not experienced in the past. It happens with every aspect of the business: new products, customer acquisition, international logistics, negotiations, employee safety. Some of these questions demand a very creative approach, because our chemistry is very anti-commoditized by nature: oftentimes, we will synthesize a molecule for a single customer. Facing new challenges and finding unusual solutions (especially when they work) brings lots of joy and satisfaction.

What sort of paperwork do you encounter in your daily life?

Most of our business is international and each and every step includes massive amounts of paperwork. It starts with procurement, where we import raw materials from China or Russia for our own production needs, or for our partners (such as Tantalum Chloride or Tungsten Hexacarbonyl). Working with international customs requires tons of additional paperwork – and lots of signatures! – but you need to play by the rules. Customer and partner contracts, financial approvals, various forms ... All of them require signatures, or multiple signatures, so being able to sign documents on mobile and desktop alleviates lots of pain. I keep Signeasy on my home screen!

How did you discover Signeasy?

One time, I asked one of my customers to “print, sign, scan” a document, and received a response a few seconds later. I was intrigued by how quickly he was able to complete the process, so I asked for his secret. The customer obliged and two minutes later, I had purchased a Signeasy license for myself and our company.

What is a typical workflow for which you use Signeasy?

We develop new molecules very often, and to remain compliant with numerous regulations, each new molecule has to have its own safety data sheet. Our compliance manager will create a special form and complete it, then our product/content group will add data to the form. Both parties will sign it, and eventually, it will arrive on my desk for the final sign-off. Commercial commitments involving credit cards are handled by the accounting group and emailed to me for the final sign-off.

How has it improved your life?

As mentioned earlier, our customer base is global, from Japan and Australia through Europe, all the way to the West coast of the US. The key to success for our business – besides high-quality products and customer service – is responsiveness. Without Signeasy, we simply couldn’t have been this fast. It allows me to address paperwork and sign documents first thing in the morning, well before I have actually started working. It empowers me to do my job anywhere.

What results have you experienced after using the Signeasy app?

Ås a young company that’s still small compared to industry veterans, our response time is what differentiates us from other vendors. When we need to discuss an RFQ with the chemists, logistical partners, or customs brokers, then sometimes amend the existing contracts and quickly sign additional paperwork, we’d simply lose the deal without a tool like Signeasy. The speed of our response creates an overall impression of professionalism and excellent execution. Signeasy has helped us create that impression for our customers. It helps save time and earn money. It is flawless and always works as expected.