A couple of months ago we got an email from a realtor saying Signeasy was the best app he had found for his profession. Terkel Sorensen explained that the most time-consuming job for closing a deal was to get all the documents signed. Process implies:
1. Selecting the properties and showing them to the client.
2. Returning to the office to write up an offer and submitting it to the seller along with other required documents.
3. Faxing the stack and hoping that the other agent isn’t out of paper!!
Terkel is now a loyal customer because we simplify these steps from a tablet or smartphone:
Now I don’t have to go back to the office, and I don’t have to print all 42 pages out for an offer.
Realtors are slowly picking up on technology, it is early adopters like Terkel who are benefiting by reducing the time, money and effort spent. Others are still running around printing pages and pages of contracts and disclosures.
We hope we can also be of help to you. If you have a tablet to show your stunning properties, give Signeasy a try!
Download Signeasy from the AppStore or Google Play. Also available for mobiles.
- Signeasy Team