When setting up a company, founders typically don't want to be liable for the company's debts or obligations. In this scenario, you need to create a limited liability company (LLC).
An LLC operating agreement defines how your company should be run, laying the groundwork with a series of protocols and rules related to finances, management, ownership, and responsibilities. This agreement is to LLCs what a bylaw document is to corporations.
If you are starting your own business, we offer a free and customizable LLC operating agreement template to help guide you in the right direction. It can be filled out and signed in just 4-5 minutes!
Note: Be sure to tweak this template to suit the legal requirements of the state in which your LLC is registered.
This legal document outlines the ownership and member duties of your Limited Liability Company. Our LLC operating agreement template also discusses how the company's profits and issues should be approached.
There are two types of LLC operating agreements:
Apart from the number of members, the two differ in the way they are taxed. The IRS considers a single-member LLC as a disregarded entity/sole proprietorship and a multi-member LLC as a partnership. So, the members pay different taxes for both types of entities.
Let’s look over the LLC operating agreement template for a company that has multiple owners:
Start off the agreement by adding the company name and declaring that it was formed under a particular state’s laws. Then, mention whether it is a single-member or multi-member LLC (depending on how many owners the company has).
You should also include the names and addresses of the members. The names are usually written in all caps.
Round off the section by confirming that the members wish to set up an LLC.
Set the stage for this operating agreement template by detailing the company name, principal place of business, date of LLC formation, term, fiscal year, and purpose.
Also provide details of the registered agent, who is appointed by the company to accept legal and tax documents on the business's behalf.
The limitation of liability clause is used to protect all parties associated with the LLC from the consequences of misdirected and/or expensive lawsuits. It clarifies that members and employees are personally not responsible for any debt, obligation, or liability belonging to the Company, any of its subsidiaries, or other members.
A member is an individual or entity that holds a membership interest in an LLC. Think of them as owners, much like shareholders are to a corporation.
Here, you need to answer the following questions about the company’s membership:
Throughout this operating agreement template, you will find instances where certain company decisions can be made only if you have unanimous consent on behalf of the members.
Note: For a single-member LLC, the sole owner will retain 100% ownership of the entity.
How much capital (money or other assets) should each member contribute when initially added to the LLC to help fund its set-up and operations? Where is the money stored? Can it be withdrawn? Should new members contribute capital? Can they earn interest on this capital? All these questions and more are answered in this section.
Describe how the profit or loss made by the LLC should be calculated and distributed amongst the members. According to this agreement, for a multi-member LLC, the profit and loss is doled out annually in proportion to their percentage of ownership interest.
The agreement notes that expenses related to the management and organization of the company are typically borne by the organization itself. You should also mention that members are not paid salaries for their duties to the company.
This article outlines how the LLC’s books and records are kept, including:
In the event that the company needs to close permanently, this section can help members come to a consensus on the dissolution and liquidation process. In this agreement template, we have outlined the many conditions under which a dissolution of the LLC is legally possible.
Once dissolved, an elected Liquidating Member is responsible for the liquidation of the company’s assets and distribution of the proceeds amongst the members.
This is a fairly standard clause found in most multi-party agreements. It simply states that the members will not be held responsible for any actions they may have performed on behalf of the company unless they were with nefarious intent.
The agreement also mentions that the company has the right to purchase an insurance policy that covers the members in case of any legal proceedings.
This section talks about how the company’s information and trade secrets can only be used for the benefit of the LLC and not be shared with third parties. It is meant to safeguard the LLC’s intellectual property.
In this article, members acknowledge that they are getting ‘ownership’ of the company’s membership units solely for investment purposes, and that they don't intend to resell, distribute, or share them with others. They must also not secure membership buy-in on behalf of anyone else. Here, it would be helpful to also outline the conditions under which membership can be sold or transferred.
The authorization clause states that members are of legal age to be part of this agreement and that all their actions will not breach any of the laws that govern the LLC.
Many standard clauses are listed in this section, from arbitration to severability and governing law to counterparts.
Here is the gist of what each clause is about:
This is the signature page, where all members demonstrate their willingness to abide by the terms of the agreement by signing on the dotted line. You may use an eSignature solution such as Signeasy to share this operating agreement template with members so that they may sign it at the same time.
Finally, Exhibit 1 clearly demarcates how many units of the company each member holds, along with their percentage of voting capital, percentage of total capital, and capital contribution.
Note: LLCs assign a percentage of company ownership to each member based on their capital contribution. Make sure the ownership percentages add up to 100%.
A company’s Articles of Organization (aka Certificate of Formation) is filed with the state government when the LLC is registered, whereas an Operating Agreement is an agreement between members of a Limited Liability Company about how to run it.
Also, the latter does not need to be submitted to the state government.
Most states don’t require you to have an operating agreement, but for the protection it offers to its founders, it's strongly recommended that you create one for the following reasons:
The traditional route of getting your LLC operating agreement approved will involve a drawn-out series of printing, couriering, signing, scanning, emailing, printing, and so on.
It can take days, and often weeks, to get this contract reviewed and accepted by all parties.
Skip the paperwork runaround: Signeasy is a much quicker and touch-free way to sign and share documents.
Want to get all members to remotely sign your LLC operating agreement for free? Check out Signeasy’s 14-day free trial. You won't even need a credit card!
No, the LLC operating agreement does not need to be notarized.
Yes, an operating agreement is a legal contract that helps establish the rules, regulations, and principles by which an LLC operates. Once signed, it binds all the members of the LLC to these provisions.
You need to choose a name for your business and secure a registered business agent in the state where your company is registered. Then, you may either get a lawyer to draft the agreement for you, or use Signeasy’s free LLC operating agreement template for multi-party LLC dealings. And finally, have all the members sign the agreement.
Whether it is for single- or multi-member LLCs, most state jurisdictions do not enforce the filing of an operating agreement—though it is recommended. States such as Delaware, California, New York, Maine, and Missouri require you to create this agreement, but you are not required to submit it to the state.