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6 questions to ask before buying an eSignature platform

Is your business in the process of choosing an eSignature platform and integrating it into your operational workflows? This can be a little bumpy as there are so many brands out there claiming to have the best features. It is important to assess if it aligns well with your business priorities, all at a price that doesn’t burn a hole in your pocket. 

If you are wondering what are the right questions to ask to make an informed decision, here are the top 6 questions you should ask before settling for an eSignature platform. These questions can act as your checklist to land on the right choice that not only ensures frictionless signing experiences but also streamlines contract workflow management, just the way you want it!

Key takeways

  • What are the disadvantages of wet signatures for modern businesses
  • How businesses benefit from esign compared to wet ink
  • What are the right questions to ask before choosing an eSignature platform
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