Xodo Sign Alternative

Signeasy does more with advanced features, a clear interface, and support that’s always there when you need it.
Check yellow
User-friendly interface
Check yellow
Transparent pricing
Check yellow
Unlimited documents
Check yellow
Dedicated success manager

Signeasy vs. Xodo Sign - Pricing comparison

Ideal for small teams with lesser needs
$39.99 / month
  • Unlimited templates
    Feature not supported icon
  • Microsoft integration
    Feature not supported icon
  • iOS and Android app
    Feature not supported icon
Ideal for fast-growing teams 
$30 / month / user
Save 25% with yearly billing
  • Unlimited templates
    check blue
  • Microsoft integration
    check blue
  • iOS and Android app
    check blue
Try Signeasy for Free
Sign and send documents without any limits
Make the switch to Signeasy- The easiest eSignature solution packed with advanced features, a clear interface, and top-tier customer support.
  • Check green
    Sign any contract 10X faster with our intuitive interface and easy-to-use functionalities.
  • Check green
    Create a library of reusable, high-volume, legally vetted templates in a few clicks.
  • Check green
    Get a dedicated success manager for efficient contract management and uninterrupted operations.
Birgitta GuĂ°mundsdĂłttir Bender, Solutions Manager, Icelandair
5 stars
Birgitta Bender | Solutions Manager

“The biggest benefit is time savings. We had to go to the office to sign and scan documents, which took weeks to get things going. Now it’s all done electronically in just minutes from anywhere in the world.”

Signeasy vs. Xodo Sign - Rating comparison

Ready to experience exceptional service? Signeasy stands out for its ease of use and reliable customer support. A true partner in optimizing business operations.
Ease of use
4.5 star
4.5 star
Quality of Support
4.5 star
4.5 star
Ease of Setup
4.5 star
4.5 star
Good partner for your business
4.5 star
4.5 star
Start Free Trial Now
No credit card required

“Xodo Sign’s Mobile Apps and UI interface on WEB, not easy and friendly for user.”

IT Services

Signeasy vs. Xodo Sign - Feature comparison

Every business has unique needs. With Signeasy’s scalable, flexible plans and pricing, you’ll get the tool that meets those needs. 
Unlimited users/senders
Feature supported icon - check green
Up to 5 users
Unlimited templates
Feature supported icon - check green
Up to 10 templates
Signer attachments
Feature supported icon - check green
Feature not supported icon
Real-time tracking and notifications
Feature supported icon - check green
Feature not supported icon
Team dashboards and multiple admins
Feature supported icon - check green
Feature not supported icon
In-Person Signing
Feature supported icon - check green
Check gray
Microsoft Teams, SharePoint, and Outlook integrations
Feature supported icon - check green
Feature not supported icon
Phone and chat support
Feature supported icon - check green
Check gray
Custom branding 
Feature supported icon - check green
Check gray
Mobile apps for iPhone, iPad, and Android
Feature supported icon - check green
Feature not supported icon
Start Free Trial Now
No credit card required
Signeasy app screens
See Signeasy’s capabilities in full action
Get Started
Check yellow
Cancel anytime
Check yellow
No credit card required
Check yellow
Trial starts immediately

Signeasy vs. Xodo Sign: Bank-grade security and compliance comparison

Close deals faster and sign contracts securely on the go with Signeasy's highly-rated mobile apps for iOS and Android. We offer a smoother signing experience, stringent compliance and advanced security to keep your sensitive data safe. 
Support for password-protected documents
Feature supported icon - check green
Check gray
Legal compliance
Feature supported icon - check green
Check gray
Digital audit trail
Feature supported icon - check green
Check gray
2-factor authentication
Feature supported icon - check green
Up to 20 signers
Biometric authentication
Feature supported icon - check green
Feature not supported icon

Thousands of happy customers have made the switch to Signeasy 

Fast-track your success with expert guidance and a quicker path to results.
Signeasy Customer Support 5 stars
thumbs up
Transparent pricing
thumbs up
Dedicated success manager
thumbs up
Easy to use and set up
thumbs down
Limited capabilities
thumbs down
Dedicated success manager
thumbs down
Ideal for small teams only

Switch to Signeasy effortlessly

Get a free Signeasy demo and see how it compares to Xodo Sign. Talk to an expert today!
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