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Contract signing 101: How to sign contracts the right way

Master the essentials of contract signing for businesses. Learn key steps, legalities, and best practices to ensure your contracts are solid and enforceable.

Dhivya Venkatesan
Dhivya Venkatesan
September 3, 2024
 min read
Contract signing 101: How to sign contracts the right way

Frequently asked questions

Does signing a contract make it legally binding? Will it hold up in court?
Yes, signing a contract means you agree to the terms, and it can hold up in court, as long as it's written clearly, everyone involved agrees, and something of value is exchanged.
What happens if I change my mind after signing a contract?
Changing your mind after signing a contract can be complicated. Generally, you’re legally obligated to fulfill the terms once you've signed. However, some contracts include a cooling-off period, allowing you to cancel within a specific timeframe. If you need to get out of a contract, consult a legal professional to explore your options, which may include negotiation or finding a legal basis for termination.
Is signing a contract an acceptance?
In most cases, yes. Signing shows you agree to the contract's terms and understand your obligations and rights.
What is a person who signs a contract called?
A person who signs a contract is called a signatory. This term applies to all individuals or parties who sign a contract, indicating their agreement to the terms.
What is a fully signed contract called?
A fully signed contract is often referred to as an executed contract. This means that all parties involved have signed the agreement, making it official and enforceable.
What happens if only one party signs a contract?
If only one party signs a contract, it generally isn’t considered legally binding. For a contract to work, everyone involved needs to sign, showing everyone agrees to the terms. Without all signatures, there's no mutual consent, and it might not hold up in court.
Dhivya Venkatesan
Dhivya Venkatesan
Dhivya heads marketing at Signeasy where she works with an inspired team that believes in authentic storytelling. When she is not doing that, she is writing, traveling, or finding new ways to practise minimalism.
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