A Real Estate case where Signeasy saved the day! Charlie´s story won 2nd prize in our Earth Day contest:
I am a real estate lawyer and had a client who needed to quickly sign a contract for the purchase of his new luxury condo in Miami Beach, or he would lose the deal to another competing buyer. Unfortunately, he was in a remote part of the Australian Outback at the time, and while he had electricity and internet service, there was not a printer or fax machine for hundreds of miles. I had just started using Signeasy and gifted him a copy  through iTunes. I emailed him the contract, he signed it on his iPhone and emailed it back to me just in time to submit it to the Seller that night. Deal got signed and closed. Everyone was happy including Mother Earth.
Just doing our part with Signeasy to make deals in my business easier, and of course to help save the Outback and reduce paper waste.
— Charles Ratner
Thanks Charlie for sharing your story with the world! :-)
- Signeasy Team
                              * Image credit: nexusplexus / 123RF Stock Photo