Building Signeasy for Microsoft Teams v2

Sign, track, and store contracts — without the complexity of CLM.
Divya Dev
Divya Dev
February 28, 2022
This is some text inside of a div block.
This is some text inside of a div block.
 min read
Divya Dev
Divya Dev
February 28, 2022
February 28, 2022
 min read
Building Signeasy for Microsoft Teams v2
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We recently released v2.0 of our integration with Microsoft Teams.  It is a bundle of exciting features that helps users sign documents, and send signature requests—all without having to leave the Microsoft Teams ecosystem. 

Technically, Microsoft Teams is known for its multiple points of extensibility. Today, Signeasy will be seen in the following extensibility points.

  • Tabs
  • Bots
  • Messaging Extension

The Why

With this release, we intended to enter into the collaborative scope by integrating the Signeasy app within the team channels. The objective was to help users sign and send requests for signatures faster and collaborate more efficiently as a team. 

The What 

The following capabilities are supported by Signeasy for Microsoft Teams Version 2.0.

The Workflow 

This diagram provides a snapshot of how the messaging extension, personal bot, and tabs are built. 

 The How

Let us take you on a journey about how we built this, and some key learnings on the way.

Date of Launch November 17th 2021
Platforms Desktop and Mobile
Manifest Version 1.9
Manifest Schema
Node Version 14.17
Technologies React + Typescript + ExpressJS, [microsoft/teams-js : 1.10.0 botbuilder: 4.13.6 react: 16.8.6 typescript: 4.0.3]

When it comes to building an application for Microsoft Teams, Every step in the process requires due diligence, for the application to run successfully. Here are a few key milestones we focused on, as we went about building the application:

1️) As recommended by Microsoft’s development guidelines, we store all configuration details in the .env file.

2)  The application is built using the “build” Gulp task. 

The “yoteams-build-core []” helps with building the project, and serving it in a ngrok-url, for local development. When the code is ready for production, gulp ngrok-serve is replaced with gulp serve. Both of these commands are supported by the yoteams-build-core library. 

The gulp serve task runs easily in Docker Containers, too.

const gulp = require("gulp");
const argv = require("yargs").argv;
const path = require("path");
const config = {};
// Set environment variables
const env = argv.env;
if (env === undefined) {
} else {
  require("dotenv").config({ path: path.resolve(process.cwd(), env) });
const core = require("yoteams-build-core");
// Initialize core build
core.setup(gulp, config);

const gulp = require("gulp");
const argv = require("yargs").argv;
const path = require("path");
const config = {};
// Set environment variables
const env = argv.env;
if (env === undefined) {
} else {
  require("dotenv").config({ path: path.resolve(process.cwd(), env) });
const core = require("yoteams-build-core");
// Initialize core build
core.setup(gulp, config);

const gulp = require("gulp");
const argv = require("yargs").argv;
const path = require("path");
const config = {};
// Set environment variables
const env = argv.env;
if (env === undefined) {
} else {
  require("dotenv").config({ path: path.resolve(process.cwd(), env) });
const core = require("yoteams-build-core");
// Initialize core build
core.setup(gulp, config);

We have ensured we are working on the latest versions of npm, yo, gulp, typescript, and Git. However, we have limited ourselves to Node Version 14.18. 

Here’s why:

npm install yo gulp-cli typescript --global
gulp ngrok-serve
gulp build

3️)  To create the Microsoft Teams apps manifest, we run the “manifest” gulp task. This generates, validates, and finally creates the package (a zip file) in the “package” folder. The manifest is  validated against the schema and dynamically populated with values from the `.env` file.

gulp manifest

The manifest file provided below, translates to the package, with the gulp manifest task. This package needs to be uploaded into App Studio for local testing, or into the Microsoft partner center to publish the application.

All variables enclosed with {{ }} will be picked from the .env file, during the gulp manifest task.

    json-schemas/teams/v1.9/MicrosoftTeams.schema. json",
    "manifestVersion": "1.9",
    "id":  "{{MICROSOFT_APP_ID}}",
    "version": "2.0",
    "packageName": "com.signeasy.teams.extension",
    "developer": {
      "name": "Signeasy",
      "websiteUrl":  "{{WEBSITE_URL}}",,
      "privacyUrl": "{{PRIVACY_URL}}",
      "termsOfUseUrl": "{{TERMS_AND_CONDITIONS_URL}}"
    "name": {
      "short": "{{APP_NAME}}",
      "full": "{{APP_NAME}}"
    "description": {
       "short": "{{APP_DESCRIPTION_SHORT}}",
      "full": "{{APP_DESCRIPTION_FULL}}",
      "validDomains": [

4)  The messaging endpoint has to be updated in the bot framework for both the messaging extension and the personal bot to work properly.

If you are using an older bot, follow these steps:

  • Choose a bot and navigate to “Settings”. Here, the messaging endpoint should be in the following format. Ensure "Enable Streaming Endpoint" is enabled
  • Then, save.

If you are using a bot created via the Azure Framework, follow these steps:

  • Choose your bot from the Resources.
  • Choose your bot from the Resources, and modify the messaging endpoint. 
  • Apply the changes. If it doesn't apply immediately, click twice. It works 😉

A Developer’s Journey Inside Teams

1️)  Launch App Studio

2️)  Import

3️)  In App Studio, Test and Distribute > Install

4️)  With Signeasy for Microsoft Teams 2.0, there will be two options to choose from.

  • “Add” installs the personal tab and personal bot
  • “Add to a team” installs the messaging extension and channel tab

5️⃣ If you choose "Add to a team," there is an extra step to complete. In the next window, select a team, then click “Set Up”.

Post Release: The Delight

Messaging Extension in Channel Scope

Messaging Extension in Personal Scope

Commands in Channel Scope

It all begins with @Signeasy in the new conversation text field. Users can search for documents and request signatures.

The Personal Bot

And, By the Way...

During the development process, we found a couple of interesting behaviors in the Microsoft Teams platform. Microsoft is renowned for being developer-friendly, so we have the freedom to report any issues faced during development. As enthusiastic developers, we made sure to report every odd behavior we experienced along the way. Consequently, these issues were acknowledged as Microsoft bugs.

Links to the issues are:



👷‍ Developers

Abhay Thakur

Tanvi Baranwal

Sarav Thangaraj

Divya Dev

Rajat Singh

Venkatesan Ethiraj

✍🏼 Creators

Sweety Paul 

Gowtham S

🤝 Collaborators 

Jijoy Chandrachoodan

Sujan Balachandran

Frequently asked questions

Divya Dev
Divya Dev
Divya is a Senior Frontend Engineer at Signeasy. When she is not building easy eSigning experiences, she spends her time writing and driving.
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