[Update: Google featured Signeasy under its New and Updated Apps section on Play Store. Read more here]
For the Android folks at Signeasy, the last few months have been marked with thinking, rethinking, scribble and quibbles. The idea was single - to serve a radically simple, delightful and secure experience to our Android users, while keeping their feedback in the driver seat.
It all culminates into today, as we launch a completely revamped, Android M ready experience with biometric authentication for signing documents. We're glad, and we are sure so will you be after you finish reading this blog post.
Here’s a lowdown on what we have packed in for you
- Import Documents Easily: The first step of signing a document is also the most breezy now. We have added a ‘plus’ button that makes it incredibly simple to import any document from your favorite cloud storage services like Dropbox, Google Drive, Box, as well as your device SD card.

- Find Documents Faster: Want to find or email the document which you just signed? The sleek new dashboard has got them all! It’ll also show you the number of documents you have in various state (Original, Draft, Signed, Recent) and let you navigate with a single tap.

- Better Organized Documents: After studying a lot of user behavior, we have arranged your documents in the following order: Recent, Draft, Original and Signed in the Documents section. It’ll help you open your Recent and Draft documents with the least number of taps!

- Advanced Security: The update introduces an advanced security feature for eSignatures using biometric authentication through Nexus Imprint. You will be now able to safeguard your signature from theft or unauthorized usage and ensure the signature process completes only after fingerprint identification.

- Designed for tablets. You wanted it and here it is! Signeasy for Android now works beautifully on tablets with a Split Screen to help you sign documents with ease in your day-to-day work.

- Inspired by Material Design. Launched in 2014, Material Design is a design language that connects technology with real life interactions via animations, elevation, iconography, colour and imagery. We have included all of them in our product design to provide you a delightful user experience.

And here's a trip down (or forth) the memory lane :)

The updated Android app has rolled out to the Play Store today, so make sure to check it out.