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Business Proposal Template

When a vendor wishes to convince a potential customer to purchase their goods or services, they must employ an effective business proposal. What your company does and what you can provide your client are both described in a business proposal.

Your introduction ought to focus on the company from a managerial angle. It explains the company, its goals, and why the firm is a good one to start. This will give the reader a detailed understanding of the potential firm and how it will succeed, together with other sections of your business proposal including an overview of the management team, your financial plan, and your marketing strategy.

You can create each section of the business plan in more depth while using the overview from the introduction to guide you. When you have finished writing the proposal, go back to the opening to make sure you have addressed all of the important points you need to make.‍

Cover Letter

Business proposal proponents devote numerous hours of their days and nights to crafting the ideal document, yet they only take a few minutes to create a cover letter. It not only screams carelessness, but it also conveys a lack of planning. Keep in mind that the cover letter is the first part of the proposal that the investor sees, covering the entire document.

The cover letter addresses the individual who will be examining your business proposal directly. This is your time to impress the investor and persuade them to risk funding your idea. Neglecting its significance will significantly reduce the likelihood that the company proposal will be as successful as expected.

Your opportunity to personally address the investor and lay out the details of what will come next is in your cover letter. It should be clear that you are looking for a business loan or starting your own business and that you do, in fact, have a business proposal attached to the letter.

It clearly outlines the key arguments stated in the executive summary rather than just summarizing what the business proposal is about. It painstakingly condenses the point you are making in your business proposal.

Executive Summary

An executive summary is essentially what your audience reads first, so it must be filled with information that will pique their interest in what you are suggesting. Additionally, it must be able to persuade people to read the entirety of your paper. This section of the proposal should clearly state the fundamentals of your request.

Company Background and Portfolio

A business plan's part on the business background is often found after the executive summary. It provides key information about the firm, like its location, size, purpose, and mission, as well as the motivation behind your organization. In general, it lays out the purpose and direction of your brand, making it easier for potential partners, lenders, and investors to understand who you are and what you do.

Prospective investors will look at the business background section of your company plan when you submit it to them to determine whether your basic values concur with their own. Consider it as a means to scratch your company's itch using written words.

An overview of the company's history should be included in the company's background.

When your business is first starting out, your company background may be fairly brief, but you may still describe what your firm will do and how the concept for it came about.

Instead, concentrate on your personal background and the path that brought you to start your company in the first place.


Written descriptions of your company's aims are called business objectives. Business goals frequently relate to the key operational elements of a company's performance, such as revenue, operations, productivity, and growth. A business target, according to some organizations, needs to be precise, quantifiable, reachable, and time-based in order to be most effective. It could be beneficial for both large and small organizations to create stated company objectives. Business goals can be a crucial tool for bringing a company's aims and vision together.

The categories of strategic objectives and operational objectives are occasionally used to group business goals. The word "strategic objectives" is frequently used to describe long-term goals that support the organizational mission of the corporation and promote significant change.

Planning and Strategy – Solutioning

To implement a company's vision and accomplish its long-term goals, business strategic planning include developing a business strategy and an associated business strategic plan. Strategic planning's major objective is to move a company from its current state to its intended state by implementing a number of business initiatives.

Scope of Work

The word "scope of work" is broad and somewhat ambiguous; it can refer to a variety of things, but at its core, it refers to a document that specifies and describes the work and "scope" of work to be completed under a contract.

Scope of work is frequently provided by a client, consultant, or contractor as part of the tendering process as a kind of "proposal" that businesses can use to determine whether or not to participate in the project.


Deliverables for the project must be specified at the outset when it is first suggested.

One or more associated process deliverables will become more important as the project progresses and deliverables are more defined and described.


Every company proposal needs to include a reasonable timetable that addresses the most important query: "How long does it take to acquire the results?"

A timeline in your business plan outlines the significant milestones you expect to reach and the dates on which you intend to do so. The project's scope has a direct impact on the length and organization of a business proposal. A timeline table might be extremely complex with dozens of tasks and subtasks or it can be relatively straightforward with just deliverables and milestones listed.


A potential client asks for a price suggestion as a first estimate. These proposals are requested by clients across a range of industries to estimate project costs. They are produced by contractors to demonstrate potential project costs, including time, resources, and materials.

Try to be as succinct as possible when formulating a price proposal so that clients can quickly comprehend it. Include costs, both direct and indirect, and explain why the client will benefit from the proposal.

Terms and Conditions

The "terms and conditions" section of any business contract covers the legal aspects of the arrangement. In other words, it explains to all parties how good service will be provided. It also specifies who is accountable for it and what will happen if either the client or the business doesn't follow through on their end of the bargain. Having concise and digestible terms and conditions leaves less room for misunderstanding at a later stage, so make sure you capture all the details that are necessary.

The goal of terms and conditions is to provide your business proposal with some legal context. Everyone concerned is reassured that they are protected in the event that something goes wrong. When installing software, for example, many of us ignore this phase.

Legal and Contractual Terms and Conditions:

This section provides an overview of the legal and contractual terms that govern the business relationship between the parties. It encompasses the following key provisions:

  1. Applicable law and jurisdiction: Specifies the laws that govern the agreement and the jurisdiction where any disputes will be resolved.
  2. Termination clause: Defines the conditions under which either party can terminate the agreement and the required notice period for termination.
  3. Limitation of liability: Specifies the extent to which each party can be held liable for damages or losses arising from the agreement.
  4. Confidentiality and non-disclosure: Addresses the obligations of both parties to maintain the confidentiality of sensitive information shared during the business relationship.
  5. Non-compete clause: Specifies any restrictions on the parties' ability to engage in similar business activities that may compete with each other during or after the agreement.
  6. Dispute resolution: Outlines the procedures for resolving disputes, including negotiation, mediation, or arbitration.
  7. Waiver and severability: States that the failure to enforce any provision of the agreement does not constitute a waiver, and that if any provision is deemed invalid or unenforceable, the remainder of the agreement remains in effect.

Intellectual Property Rights

This section addresses the ownership and protection of intellectual property (IP) rights related to the proposal or services provided. It covers the following aspects:

Ownership of IP: Clarifies whether the client retains ownership of their pre-existing IP or if any new IP created during the project will be jointly owned or transferred to the client.

License of IP: Specifies the scope and duration of any licenses granted to the client for using the business's proprietary software, materials, or other IP.

Indemnification: Outlines the business's responsibility to defend the client against any claims of IP infringement arising from the services provided.

IP protection obligations: Outlines the obligations of both parties to maintain the confidentiality and protect each other's IP.

Confidentiality and Data Protection

This section underscores the importance of maintaining confidentiality and safeguarding sensitive information. It includes the following elements:

Definition of confidential information: Clearly defines what constitutes confidential information, encompassing written and oral information, trade secrets, customer data, and other proprietary information.

Non-disclosure obligations: Specifies the obligations of both parties to keep confidential information confidential and to refrain from disclosing it to third parties without prior consent.

Data protection and privacy: Outlines how personal data will be handled in compliance with relevant data protection laws and regulations.

Data security measures: Describes the security measures implemented by the business to protect confidential and personal data.

Return or destruction of information: Specifies that upon termination or completion of the project, any confidential information or data provided by the client will be returned or securely destroyed.



A business agreement is a legally binding contract between two or more parties. These agreements can be made in writing or orally, and are typically used to outline the terms of a business relationship. Common business agreements include employment contracts, non-disclosure agreements (NDAs), and partnership agreements.


1. What are the parts of a business proposal?

Ans. Elements of a business proposal:

  • Title Page
  • Table of Contents
  • Executive Summary
  • Statement of the Problem/Issue/Job
  • Approach
  • Methodology
  • Bidder's Qualifications
  • Schedule and Benchmarks

2. What is a formal business proposal format?

Ans. The format of a business proposal is as follows:

  • Title page
  • Table of contents
  • Executive summary
  • Problem statement
  • Approach and methodology
  • Summary of expenses and
  • Benefits of the proposal

3. What are the main elements of a proposal?

Ans. Key Elements of a Complete Proposal

  • Cover
  • Table of Contents
  • Project Summary
  • Project Description
  • Budget Explanation
  • Other Support
  • Appendices

4. How many pages should a business proposal be?

Ans. A proposal should ideally be no more than 10 pages and no longer than 50 pages.

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Business Proposal Template
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