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5 Thanksgiving Pointers You Can Apply to eSignatures

It’s been a fantastic year for eSignatures. From industry milestones to personal Signeasy ones, where Apple recently included our demo version among the pre-installed apps on Apple devices at its 400+ retail stores – there’s a lot to be thankful for. Electronic signatures are a technological take to traditional signatures, much like the Thanksgiving dinner itself. There are the constants, and then there are the improvisations and even the changes. Here's how we think Thanksgiving and eSignatures with Signeasy have certain things in common.

  • Pick the dinner most convenient to you

Thanksgiving dinners are all about loved ones coming together – whether it is over a five-course traditional Turkey meal, or the only dish you know how to cook. It’s a meal that’s best suited for you. Just like Signeasy. Choose the platform you use to sign a document – whether it is iOS, Android or Web.

  • What’s new this Thanksgiving?

With a mix of traditional treats and new experiments or catching up with exciting news of those around the table, Thanksgiving is a perfect time to share and be thankful. At Signeasy, our user responses drive our new features, and we've had them coming all this year. Which reminds me, did you check our new integration with Gmail ?

  • Making it a hassle-free holiday

Quick and easy are the two words every host loves to hear when it comes to preparation. At Signeasy, we make signing on documents a breezy experience. You can be at Thanksgiving dinner, and have to sign an urgent document – just install Signeasy in a few easy steps, and you can read, sign, and send the document in a matter of minutes.

  • Last-minute invites

Placing extra place mats and chairs around the table is a given during Thanksgiving meals. And when it comes to important documents, you can always opt for features such as 2nd, 3rd party signatures or freestyle feature for unlimited signatures on a document for all instances that need more than one sign off.

  • Keep the preps going on the move

What’s better than multitasking is the ability to do so on the move. Whether it be signing documents, or planning the evening’s desert.

Here’s wishing you a happy Thanksgiving, and if you need to sign that pending/urgent document, feel free to Try out Signeasy Today

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