Sign Online with Signeasy!

Create your electronic signature instantly with this free electronic signature maker

Signing online could not have been easier

Import icon

Import documents

Import, upload, or drag & drop documents to sign. We support 25+ file types.


Sign documents for free

Create and sign online for free by drawing, typing, or uploading an image of your signature.


Share documents quickly and securely

Download and share the signed document with other sand receive real-time updates.

Sign Online with Signeasy!

Sign online quickly with secure andlegally compliant electronic signatures free of cost.

Drag and drop your document here

Use any popular file format such as PDF, Word or JPG


Enter a valid email

Sign online: A detailed step-by-step guide

Signeasy’s online document signer lets you quickly and easily sign any paperwork online. Here is how you can make a sign online in 5 easy steps

  • Upload your document into Signeasy.
  • Enter your email address and click ‘Start Signing.’
  • Draw, type, or upload an image of your signature to sign online contract.
  • Confirm your email address with a secret code verification.
  • Finish signing and share your signed online form instantly.

This visual guide will provide step-by-step instructions using pictures to help you understandthe process better.

Step 1: Import the documents for signing

Upload documents to Signeasy easily by clicking ‘Upload File’ or dragging and dropping them from your laptop/desktop. Signeasy accepts over 25 document types, including PDF, Word, Excel, PNG, JPG, HTML, and more. You can also import documents from cloud storage platforms like Google Drive, Box, Dropbox, or OneDrive.

Upload document

Step 2: Get started by entering your email address

Enter your email address and press the “Start Signing” button.

Enter your email address to use sign the document

Step 3: Add the signature field

Add fields you want to see in the document by tapping the file. You’ll see annotations on the left-hand side. Select “Signature” and drop the signature box where you want to sign. You can also add fields like initials, date, text, name, email ID, and checkboxes for extra detail.

Add signature field

Step 4: Create an eSignature

Now’s the time to create your personalized electronic signature. Sign off your documents with your personal touch. You can select from drawing, typing, or uploading an image of your signature! Customize your image by choosing the ink signature color and editing the sign until you are happy with the results!

Create a signature

Step 5: Verify the email address

Verify your email before signing online; a one-time code will be sent for secure, legally binding eSignature.

Verify your email address

Step 6: Wrapping up the process

Click on the ‘Done’ button on the bottom right corner of the screen to finish signing your document online.

Complete signing the document

Step 7: Download or share your signed document online

Download the signed online document to your computer or send it to others via email. You will receive an email containing the time-stamped audit trail of the signature process, the signed document itself, and notifications regarding who has viewed and signed the document.

Benefits of using Signeasy’s online document signer

Signeasy simplifies and streamlines how you sign online contracts, helping you save time and money. With over 100 million contracts processed, Signeasy is trusted by businesses and individuals around the world. Send, track, and sign documents with legally binding eSignatures that comply with the leading eSignature standards. In just a few clicks, reduce paper waste and your carbon footprint. 

Streamlining workflow and saving time
Signing online saves time by securely making a sign online and centralizing contract management, eliminating manual processes and simplifying tracking and managing document-based processes.

Improving collaboration and communication
Contract signing online eliminates the need for physical documents and signatures, while improving visibility, team collaboration, communication, and time-efficiency. It allows multiple people to collaborate securely, tracking progress and guaranteeing timely updates.

Enhancing document security
Signeasy's online document signer enhances document security with a secure digital certificate for authentication, creating an audit trail and guaranteeing document authenticity.

Why choose Signeasy to sign online?

Signing online with Signeasy is a secure, fast, and reliable way to sign important documents such as contracts, agreements, applications, etc. It allows you to sign online documents with legally binding eSignatures and quickly share them with your business contacts.

Signing online with Signeasy ensures documents and signatures are protected with encryption, digital verification, SSL, and a one-time PIN sent to signers' mobile devices.

User-friendly interface
Signing online with Signeasy is user-friendly and enables users to quickly upload documents, add signers, customize signing fields and sign from any device and location securely.

Signing experience
Signeasy offers a simple, fast signing experience allowing users to collaborate, track, and manage contract workflows on a single platform.