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Import and fill PDF

Not just PDF, you can import  25+ different document formats and easily add form fields like signature, date, time, and more.


Sign PDF for free

Draw, type, or upload your signature into Signeasy. Sign documents and PDF forms instantly without creating an account.


Share PDF securely

Once the document is signed, share it with signers securely at the click of a button. You can also mark all the relevant people in CC.

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Copy and add signature to your document from an image

Signeasy makes it easy to upload an image of your signature and instantly sign a document.

Sign Document For Free

How to insert Signature Image into Document

One of the most common work arounds that professionals use for signing a document without having to print is keeping a photograph/scan of their signature. Whenever the need strikes, they scramble through their email inbox or device folders to find the image tucked in and later copy-paste it onto the document. This is usually followed by a short-lived feeling of joy mixed with relief.

But then, this beloved hack starts to fail and becomes too cumbersome when one has to deal with multiple documents from multiple sources across various formats. And well, these are just some of the many problems that might arise.

Signeasy lets you import an image of your signature and finish the drill much better. Do you want to know how? Read along.

How to upload a signature image on Signeasy for Android

  • As soon as you import a document on the app, click on ‘Start Signing’ and choose the ‘Sign Document’ option
  • Tap to add annotations and choose Signature from the menu that appears. When you click on it, you will see an icon to draw your signature. Click on the icon.
  • Click on the image icon at the bottom left corner of the screen to import the signature from your gallery. Once you are done, click on the done icon. In case you wish to make this your default signature, you can click yes on the pop-up that appears.

  • Now, you can see the signature on the document. You can resize it and copy it to the other fields on the document.
  • Finally, you can click on the ‘Finish’ icon and voila — you have now successfully signed the document!

How to upload a signature on Signeasy for Web

  • As soon as you are logged in, choose ‘Sign Document’ and import the document
  • Click on the ‘Signature’ option and drag & drop the signature to the necessary fields
  • Click on ‘Upload’ and choose the option that says ‘Upload Signature image’ 
  • Once you upload, place the signature, resize and add other fields like text and date. 
  • Click ‘Finish’ to finalize the document.
  • Voila! You’re done signing the document. You can email or export the document to other applications.
  • So now, get past the act of relying on images and scans for signing your document. We have an easier recipe for you. Give it a shot.

Signing documents with signature images

Signing documents with signature images using Signeasy is a convenient and hassle-free process. Signeasy offers a user-friendly platform that allows you to seamlessly insert your signature image into any document. After uploading the document to Signeasy, you can easily locate the designated signature field where your signature is required. From there, you have the option to upload an existing image of your signature or use Signeasy's signature creation tool to draw your signature electronically. Once the signature image is inserted, you can adjust its size and position to ensure a perfect fit. Signeasy ensures the security and integrity of your signed documents, giving you peace of mind. With just a few simple steps, you can digitally sign documents with your signature image using Signeasy, eliminating the need for printing, scanning, or physical paperwork. It saves time, effort, and provides a professional and legally binding esignature solution.

How does signing with a signature image of your signature work?

Signing with a signature image involves the process of digitally incorporating a scanned or digitally created image of your handwritten signature onto a document. To begin, you create a signature image by either using a pen and paper and scanning it or utilizing digital tools to draw your signature directly on a device. Once the document is ready, you locate the designated signature field or area where your signature should be placed. Using a digital signing platform or software, you upload the document and insert the signature image into the designated field. The software allows you to adjust the size, rotation, and position of the signature image to ensure it fits precisely within the signature field. After confirming the placement, the signature image becomes part of the document, visually representing your handwritten signature. This method of signing with a signature image offers convenience, efficiency, and eliminates the need for physical paperwork and scanning processes.

Advantages of using signature images to sign documents

The use of signature images to sign documents offers numerous advantages in today's digital world. One key benefit is convenience and efficiency. Instead of printing out physical documents, signing them by hand, and then scanning or mailing them back, signature images allow for a seamless electronic signing experience. This saves time and effort, enabling individuals to sign important papers quickly and securely from anywhere with an internet connection. Moreover, signature images help maintain the authenticity and integrity of documents. With advancements in technology, digital signatures can be encrypted and protected, making them difficult to forge or tamper with. This enhances the overall security of transactions and mitigates the risks associated with physical document handling. Additionally, signature images enable a paperless workflow, reducing reliance on physical storage space and promoting environmental sustainability. Overall, the use of signature images with Signeasy streamlines the signing process, enhances security, and contributes to a more efficient and eco-friendly way of conducting business.

Importance of protecting your signature image

Protecting your signature image is crucial as it serves as a unique identifier for authentication purposes in legal documents, financial transactions, and contracts. Safeguarding it reduces the risks of forgery, impersonation, and unauthorized use, preventing fraudulent activities, financial loss, and reputational damage. Additionally, securing your signature image maintains the integrity and authenticity of your digital communications, fostering trust and reliability. By implementing strong security measures, you preserve the confidentiality, privacy, and legal validity associated with your signature, strengthening your overall security in the digital realm.

Ensuring security and authenticity of your signature image

Ensuring the security and authenticity of a signature image involves implementing various measures to prevent forgery, or unauthorized use. Here are some best practices to consider:

  1. Pen-to-Paper Signature: Start by creating a high-quality, original signature using pen and paper. This establishes a unique baseline for your signature.
  2. Digital Conversion: To create a digital signature, scan or photograph your pen-and-paper signature using a high-resolution scanner or camera. Ensure the image is clear and legible.
  3. Secure Storage: Store your signature image in a secure location, such as an encrypted folder or a password-protected storage system. This helps prevent unauthorized access and tampering.
  4. Watermarking: Apply a visible or invisible watermark to your signature image. Watermarks can include your name, initials, or a specific pattern that makes it more difficult to duplicate the image.
  5. Encryption: If you need to transmit your signature image electronically, use encryption to protect it during transmission. This prevents unauthorized interception and access.
  6. Digital Signatures: Consider using digital signature technology, which uses cryptographic techniques to create a unique digital fingerprint of a document or image. Digital signatures provide integrity, authenticity, and non-repudiation.
  7. Authentication Methods: Implement additional authentication methods, such as multi-factor authentication, to verify the identity of the person signing the document or using the signature image. This helps prevent unauthorized use.
  8. Secure Transmission: When sharing or transmitting your signature image, use secure channels such as encrypted emails, secure file transfer protocols (SFTP), or secure cloud storage platforms.
  9. Monitor and Audit: Regularly monitor the use of your signature image and audit any instances where it is used. This allows you to detect any unauthorized or suspicious activity and take appropriate action.
  10. Legal Considerations: Consult with legal professionals to understand the legal implications of using a signature image in your jurisdiction. Different countries may have specific requirements or regulations regarding electronic signatures.

In conclusion, signing with an image of your signature offers convenience and flexibility in today's digital age. However, it is crucial to prioritize the security and authenticity of your signature image to maintain trust. Discover the effortless convenience of signing with an image on Signeasy. Experience the seamless process for yourself and unlock a host of other signing capabilities with Signeasy's comprehensive signature solution. Signeasy empowers you to effortlessly utilize your signature image while ensuring the highest level of security and authenticity. Try Signeasy today and enjoy a streamlined signing experience.

May 17, 2022 11:00 a.m  CT

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