Sign documents with Signeasy’s free electronic signature generator

Create your electronic signature instantly with this free electronic signature generator.

Features of Signeasy's electronic signature generator

Import icon

Import/Upload your document

Get started by uploading or importing your documents to the Signeasy app. We support 25+ formats, including PDF, Word, Excel, PNG, etc.


Generate electronic signature for free

Create your signature by drawing, typing, or uploading an image! Customize it to your liking and edit it until it’s just how you want it.


Share documents quickly and securely

Send documents for signatures to customers and coworkers and get real-time updates when they view and sign the document.

Sign documents with Signeasy’s free electronic signature generator

Create your electronic signature instantly with this free online signature generator.

Drag and drop your document here

Use any popular file format such as PDF, Word or JPG


Enter a valid email

Signing documents online with Signeasy's electronic signature generator

  • Select ‘Upload File’ or ‘Drag and Drop’ your document into Signeasy.
  • Input your email address, read and check Signeasy’s terms, and click ‘Start Signing.’
  • Input your email address, read and check Signeasy’s terms, and click ‘Start Signing.’
  • Create your signature by drawing, typing, or uploading an image of your wet signature.
  • Verify your email address by adding the secret code sent to your email.
  • Complete the signing process and download your document straight away.

Our comprehensive guide below will take you through the step-by-step process of signing a PDF online with Signeasy’s free electronic signature generator.

Step 1: Import the documents for signing

You can add documents to Signeasy by (i) uploading from your desktop or smartphone, (ii) importing your documents from cloud storage platforms like Google Drive, Box, Dropbox, or OneDrive, or (iii) simply dragging and dropping your documents on the widget. Using Signeasy’s online electronic signature generator, you can sign on 25+ document types, including PDF, Word, Excel, Open Office, PNG, JPG, HTML, and more.

Upload document

Step 2: Enter your email address to use the electronic signature generator.

Fill in your email address and click on the “Start Signing” button to create your electronic signature and sign the document online. You can use your personal or business email IDs for this purpose. Don’t forget to read the Terms of Services and Privacy Policy before clicking on the checkbox.

Enter your email address to use sign the document

Step 3: Add fields to your document

Tap the document to add annotations. From the options on the right hand side panel, select “Signature,” and drop the signature box on the document where you want it to be. You can also add other details such as date, text, and checkboxes, depending on your requirement.

Add signature field

Step 4: Create your eSignature using the online electronic signature generator.

Now’s the time to create your personalized electronic signature. Sign off your documents with your personal touch. You can select from drawing, typing, or uploading an image of your signature! Customize your image by choosing the ink signature color and editing the sign until you are happy with the results!

Create a signature

Step 5: Confirm your email address

Before you can sign off the document, you need to verify your identity with a one time secret code that’s sent to your email address. This will help us ensure your document is legally binding and secure.

Verify your email address

Step 6: Wrapping up the process

Click on the ‘Done’ button on the bottom right corner of the screen to finish signing your document online.

Complete signing the document

Step 7: Download or share your signed document online

Wow, it sounds like you have everything ready to go! You can either download the document to your computer or even send it to anyone you want through email. You’ll even get a time-stamped audit trail of the signature process and the signed document, plus notifications to help you track the signature progress whenever someone views or signs the document.

eSigning a document with the electronic signature generator

An electronic signature generator is a tool that allows you to create an electronic version of your signature. Using this tool, you can draw, type or upload an image of your signature. This eSignature can then be used to sign documents such as PDFs and Docs, or added to your email signature.

Signeasy’s free online electronic signature generator is:

  • Convenient: Instantly send and receive digital documents without having to print, scan, and post physical copies from anywhere with any device.
  • Compliant: Strengthen the security of your document through encryption and digital certificates and always comply with regional regulations.
  • Cost-effective: Achieve greater efficiency and reap a high ROI by cutting back on manual signature processes such as printing, postage, storage, and follow-ups.