Electronically sign documents - no tech skills needed

Sign documents electronically with ease. It is quick, secure, and accessible from anywhere.

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Add your electronic signature quickly and effortlessly.



Share your signed document securely and instantly.

Create your personalized electronic signature with Signature Maker

Try out Signeasy’s Signature Maker today and create your very own professional signatures in just a few simple steps!

Drag and drop your document here

Use any popular file format such as PDF, Word or JPG


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How to eSign documents anytime, anywhere. No tech skills needed

Have you ever found yourself scrambling to print, sign, and scan a document, all while racing against a tight deadline? We’ve all been there, and it’s anything but convenient. 

With modern technology at our fingertips, there’s no reason to struggle with outdated methods. 

Electronic signatures let you eSign documents swiftly and securely from anywhere, whether at home, in the office, or on the go. This guide will walk you through everything you need to know about eSigning, so you can say goodbye to paperwork headaches and hello to efficiency.

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How to eSign a Document?

Electronically signing documents is helping professionals simplify and speed up tasks. Electronic signatures are not only legally recognized but also enhance security and streamline workflows. Here’s how you can start eSigning documents with ease.

Step-by-step instructions to electronically sign documents

1. Upload your file

With a single click, you can upload or drag and drop your document from your computer. Signeasy supports a wide range of file formats, including PDFs, Word documents, Excel spreadsheets, Text files, and various image formats like PNG and JPG. Prefer cloud storage? Seamlessly import files from Google Drive, Dropbox, and more.

Upload document

P.S. Have a secured PDF to sign? No worries. Here’s how you can sign a secured PDF document.

2. Enter your email address and prepare the document

To begin the signing process, simply enter your email address and click "Start Signing." This allows us to send you a secure link to your document. Rest assured, your email is safe with us — we promise no spam!

Add fields

Time to prep your document for signing! Click on the document to add annotations. Select "Signature" from the toolbar and drop the signature box exactly where you need it. You can also add fields like date, text, and checkboxes to capture additional information or guide the signers.

3. Create an electronic signature

Now for the fun part — creating your unique electronic signature. You have three options:

  • Draw: Use your mouse or touchscreen to draw your signature.
  • Type: Enter your name and choose from a variety of signature styles.

Upload: Upload an image of your handwritten signature.

Sign the document

Not satisfied with the first try? Feel free to redo it until it looks just right.

4. Verify your email address

For added security and legal compliance, we'll send a one-time verification code to your email. Enter the code when prompted to confirm your identity. This step ensures your eSign documents are legally binding.

Verify Email

5. Complete electronically signing the document

Almost there! Click "Done" to finalize the signing process. Your electronic signature will be securely embedded into the document.

Finish signing

6. Download or share your signed document

Your signed document is ready to go! You can:

  • Download: Save it directly to your computer.
  • Share: Send it via email to anyone who needs a copy.
Download your signed document or securely share it with others. 

You’ll receive a time-stamped audit trail of the entire process and notifications when others view or sign the document.

Learn more about How to eSign a PDF Document.

Forms that can be signed electronically

You can eSign documents online for a variety of purposes, streamlining your workflow and saving time. Common documents suitable for electronic signatures include:

  • Business contracts: Close deals faster by signing sales agreements, service contracts, and vendor agreements electronically.
  • Human resources documents: Streamline onboarding with eSigned offer letters, employment contracts, and policy acknowledgments.
  • Real estate forms: Simplify property transactions by eSigning lease agreements, purchase contracts, and rental applications.
  • Legal documents: Protect your interests with electronically signed non-disclosure agreements (NDAs), consent forms, and power of attorney documents.
  • Financial papers: eSign invoices, bank statements, loan agreements, insurance policies, and investment documents to accelerate financial processes.
  • Medical forms: Enhance patient experience with eSigned intake forms, consent to treatment, and medical records release.

Note: Always verify if a specific document requires a physical signature due to legal regulations in your area.


Electronic signatures are changing the way we handle paperwork. They offer a secure, efficient, and eco-friendly alternative to traditional signing methods. 

Now that you know how to eSign documents, you can streamline your workflow and focus on what truly matters. By embracing electronic signatures, you’re not just keeping up but you're staying ahead. It’s a simple switch that can make a big difference in your daily life. So go ahead, try eSigning, and experience the convenience for yourself.

Ready to simplify your workflow? Sign PDF Online files for free