Free Signature Maker - Create your electronic signature online

Try out Signeasy’s Signature Maker today and create your very own professional signatures in just a few simple steps!

Signeasy’s signature maker lets you:

Import icon

Import documents

Easily bring in your files to start signing. We support 25+ formats.


Sign document for free

Draw, type, or upload an image of your signature in seconds.


Share signed document securely

Securely share your documents for signature and track progress in real-time.

Create your personalized electronic signature with Signature Maker

Try out Signeasy’s Signature Maker today and create your very own professional signatures in just a few simple steps!

Drag and drop your document here

Use any popular file format such as PDF, Word or JPG


Enter a valid email

How to use the signature maker?

A signature maker is an online signature tool that allows you to create customized signatures for digital documents, emails, or other online platforms. You can sign a wide range of documents including contracts, agreements, consent forms, invoices, and legal documents using a signature maker.

Signeasy offers a user-friendly and free online signature maker that requires no account setup. With our intuitive signature maker, you can effortlessly create and sign documents by following the below steps.

Step 1: Import the documents for signing

Upload your documents by clicking on the 'Upload File’ or ‘Drag and Drop’ functionality. We support a wide variety of file types, including PDFs, Word files, Excel spreadsheets, PNGs, JPGs, HTML, and more. Alternatively, you can import documents from popular cloud storage platforms such as Google Drive, Box, Dropbox, or OneDrive.

Upload document

Step 2: Get started by entering your email address

Enter your email address and click the “Start Signing” button to commence the process of making your signature and signing the documents.

Enter your email address to use sign the document

Step 3: Add the signature field

To sign your document, simply tap on the document. You’ll see options to add annotations on your right sidebar. Select “Signature,” and drag and drop the signature box appropriately. For added details, you can include fields like date, text, and checkboxes.

Add signature field

Step 4: Add an eSignature

Add a personal touch to your document by either drawing, typing, or uploading an image of your signature. If you prefer using your handwritten signature, select “image” and upload a photo. You can refine and modify the signature until satisfied with the result.

Create a signature

Step 5: Email verification

Confirm your identity by entering the one-time code sent to your email. This step ensures the authenticity of your signatures and facilitates the generation of legally binding documents.

Verify your email address

Step 6: Complete signing the document

Once you have completed signing the document, click ‘Done’ to finish the process.

Complete signing the document

Step 7: Download or Share your signed document

Your signed document is ready to be shared or downloaded. You can save it to your computer or send it to yourself or others via email. Additionally, you’ll receive a time-stamped audit trail of the signature process, ensuring the integrity of the document. If you’ve shared the documents with others for signature, you’ll receive notifications when the document is viewed or signed by others.

Benefits of using Signeasy’s signature maker

Signeasy’s signature maker is a powerful tool designed to simplify your document signing process. From streamlining workflow and saving time to enhancing collaboration and communication, and ensuring document security, Signeasy empowers you to efficiently manage your document processes with confidence.

Streamlining Workflow and Saving Time

Signeasy eliminates the need for printing, scanning, and physically signing documents. With our signature maker, you can digitally sign your documents in just a few simple clicks, saving precious time and reducing administrative tasks.

Improving Collaboration and Communication

Our signature maker enables real-time document sharing and signing, fostering seamless collaboration among teams and stakeholders. You can effortlessly send documents for signatures, track progress, and receive notifications upon completion.

Enhancing Document Security

Signeasy employs advanced encryption techniques to protect the confidentiality and integrity of your sensitive information. With Signeasy’s signature maker, you can confidently sign and share your documents, knowing they are fully safeguarded against unauthorized access.

Why choose Signeasy’s signature maker?

Choose Signeasy's signature maker for a superior digital signing experience. With advanced features in place, Signeasy ensures a seamless and secure solution for all your document signing needs.


Signeasy's signature maker prioritizes document security, employing advanced encryption techniques to protect your sensitive information, ensuring confidentiality and integrity.

User-friendly interface

With Signeasy’s signature maker, enjoy a convenient and efficient signing experience, empowering you to digitally sign documents effortlessly, reducing administrative tasks, and enhancing productivity.

Signing experience

With Signeasy’s signature maker, enjoy a convenient and efficient signing experience, empowering you to digitally sign documents effortlessly, reducing administrative tasks, and enhancing productivity.