Electronic signature creator - Sign Documents with Signeasy

Make your electronic signature immediately with this free electronic signature creator

What can you do with Signeasy’s  electronic signature creator?

Import icon

Import/Upload your document

Quickly upload or import your documents to the Signeasy app. It supports 25+different types, like PDF, Word, Excel, PNG, etc.


Create electronic signature for free

Draw, type, or upload an image to create your electronic signature online! Make it yours by customizing and editing it.


Share documents quickly and securely

Send documents to customers and colleagues for signing and get notifications when they look at and sign the document.

Electronic signature creator

Create your electronic signature instantly with this free online signature generator.

Drag and drop your document here

Use any popular file format such as PDF, Word or JPG


Enter a valid email

Using Signeasy’s free electronic signature creator: A step-by-step guide

Signing documents with Signeasy is like a walk in the park! It’s so easy and fast that you can do it in 5 simple steps - and the best part is, it’s completely free!

  • Select ‘Upload File’ or ‘Drag and Drop’ to add your document.
  • Enter your email address and agree to Signeasy’s terms.
  • Create your signature by drawing, typing, or uploading an image of your signature.
  • Complete the signing process and download your document.
  • Verify your email address with a secret code sent to your inbox.

Let’s dive into the exciting journey of signing a document with Signeasy’s free online electronic signature creator! With our comprehensive guide (yes, it has pictures to show what to do), you’ll sign documents in no time. So, let’s get started!

Step 1: Upload the documents for signing

You can upload the document for signing from your desktop or smartphone, import from cloud storage platforms like Google Drive, Box, Dropbox, or OneDrive, or simply drag and drop your documents on the widget. With Signeasy, you can give your documents an electronic signature in a matter of minutes - no matter what type of file you are working with - PDF, Word, Excel, Open Office, PNG, JPG, HTML, and more!

Upload document

Step 2: Fill in your email address to use the electronic signature creator.

To create your free electronic signature, just fill in your email address and click the “Start Signing” button. You can use your personal or business email address for this purpose. Please ensure you’ve read the Terms of Services and Privacy Policy, and click the checkbox afterward. That way, you can make sure signing the document online is something you’re comfortable with.

Enter your email address to use sign the document

Step 3: Fill in fields to your document.

Tap the document to bring up the annotation options. Select “Signature” to add your signature to the document. You can even add other details to customize it to your needs, like a date, text, or a checkbox.

Add signature field

Step 4: Create your electronic signature.

It’s time to sign your documents with a signature that is uniquely yours! Whether you want to draw your signature, type it, or upload an image, the choice is yours. Plus, you can customize the signature with your favorite ink color and make sure it is just the way you want it.

Create a signature

Step 5: Verify email address.

Before you can officially sign off your document, we need to make sure that it is legally binding and secure. To do this, we’ll send you a one-time secret code to your email. That way, you can verify your identity.

Verify your email address

Step 6: Finish signing.

Once you’ve finished signing your document online, the next step is to click the ‘Done’ button in the bottom right corner of your screen.

Complete signing the document

Step 7: Download/share the signed document online.

Fantastic, it sounds like you have everything ready to go! You can either download the document to your computer or even send it to anyone you want through email. When you download, you’ll get a time-stamped audit trail of the signature process and the signed document. If you send it to others, you’ll get notifications to help you track the signature progress whenever someone views or signs the document.

eSigning a document with the electronic signature creator

An electronic signature creator is a tool that enables you to create an electronic version of your signature through a web-based service. With this technology, you can draw, type or upload an image of your signature and use it to sign documents such as PDFs, Word Docs, Excels, and PNGs. Signeasy’s free online electronic signature creator is fast, easy, and secure, making creating an electronic signature a breeze.

  • Fast: With a few clicks, you can sign and send documents from any device, from anywhere.
  • Easy: Eliminate the need to print, scan, and upload paperwork for a seamless experience.
  • Secure: Boost the security of your documents with encryption and digital certificates, and ensure they are legally valid.